
the big grey wolf tells them he will bring them to a beautiful place是什么意思

  • the big grey wolf tells them he will bring them to a beautiful place是什么意思
  • the big grey wolf tells them he will bring th袱场递渡郛盗店醛锭互em to a beautiful place大灰狼告诉他们他将带他们去一个美丽的地方。


  • grey中文是什么意思
  • grey 英[ɡre] 美[ɡre] adj. 灰色的; 灰白的; vt. 使变成灰色; 使变老; vi. 变成灰色; 老化; [例句]Eddie was going grey.埃迪的头发开始变白了。[其他] 比较级:greyer 最高级:greyest 第三人称单数:greys 复数:greys现在分词:greying 过去式:greyed 过去分词:greyed


  • What you want is to stay away from People like meWho twist most everything they seeAnd leave the grey old world behind you问题补充: 我想了一下最好的办法还是,谁有这首歌的光盘或者录音带,把附带的歌词资料录入到网络上来。QQ音乐的很多歌词都是有错误的。怪不得我总翻译不出来的呢。
  • 般说网搜歌名能找文翻译 或者英文线翻译

how about和what about有什么区别

  • how about和what about有什么区别
  • What about,大概是用来询问与前一个事物相关的另一个事物的状态;而How ab籂氦焚教莳寄锋犀福篓out,多数是用来征求别人的意见,问别人是否能够接受另一个选择。两者有时可通用,有时是有很大区别的,今天英语教练来告诉你怎样正确应用这两个常用表达方式。 1)两者通用 在表达提出某种建议的意思「… 怎么样;… 好吗?」时,"How about" 和 "What about" 是可以互换的,即意思是一样的: "HowWhat about a drink?" (喝杯酒怎么样?;喝杯酒好吗?) "Where should we go on vacation?" "How about Hawaii?" "What about Japan?" (「我们该去那里度假呢?」,「去夏威夷怎么样?」,「去日本好吗?」)。 2)What about 若是征求意见或打听消息,你只能使用 "What about" "What about the university?" (强调 about 这个字) – 这是 "How about …." 无法表达的意思。 3)How about 可以用来表达对事物的惊讶:"How about those dogs?" – "What about " 则没有这项意思。 如果你提供多项事物让人选择,那么必须使用 "How about" : "Here are three jackets you might buy. How about the grey one?"。 附加一个国外老师的备注: “When I hear "What about," its almost always followed by a noun or gerund, whereas with "How about" you can use a verb or noun.” 也就是说 what about 后面接名词或者动名词(+ing) how about 后面接动词或者名词 那么最直接的区别就出来了,即: what about 后面用跟名词的多,how about 后面跟动词现在分词多。 如:What about this one? How about going for a walk?

no patch for stupid是什么意思

  • no patch for stupid是什么意思
  • no patch for stupid没有补丁的愚蠢patch 英[pt] 美[pt] n. 补丁,补片; 眼罩; 斑点; 小块; vt. 修补,拼凑; 暂时遮掩一下; 修理,平息(吵架等); 用美人斑装饰(脸); vi. 打补丁; [例句]There was a small patch of blue in the grey clouds.灰色的云团中透出一小片蓝天。[其他] 第三人称单数:patches 复数:patches 现在分词:patching过去式:patched 过去分词:patched


  • off-the-shoulder是什么意思
  • OFF-THE-SHOULDER露肩型双语例句1She teamed the grey, off-t敞缉搬垦植旧邦驯鲍沫he-shoulder number with cream, thigh-high leather boots.她以灰色底带有奶油色图案的露肩毛衣,搭配高到X的靴子。


  • styx中文是什么意思?
  • Styx英 [stiks] 美 [stks]  n.希神(环绕地狱的河虎互港就蕃脚歌协攻茅)冥河;  [网络]赌命兄弟; 斯堤克斯; 冥河乐团;  [例句]Even the slate grey stone ground is dry and cracked despite being in close proximity to the river Styx.  就连灰色石板路面都是干燥破裂的,同冥河很接近。


  • 英语it是什么意思
  • it英[t]美[t]pron.它; 他; 正好是所需的; 事实[情况];n.美俚X,笨蛋; 俚绝妙的人; 理想的东西; 登峰造极;[网络]经理; 互联网; 长;[例句]He saw the grey Land-Rover down the bypass. It was more than a hundred yards from him.他看见那辆灰色的路虎越野车停在不远处的边道上,离他窢罚促核讵姑存太担咖一百码开外。

the bear with the fatter stomach is brown and the other bear is grey 什么意思

  • the bear with the fatter stomach is brown and the other bear is grey 什么意思
  • the bear with the掸定侧剐乇溉岔税唱粳 fatter stomach is brown and the other bear is grey胖肚子是棕色的熊和其他熊是灰色的

utility level是什么意思

  • utility level是什么意思
  • utility level 英[jutiliti levl] 美[jut法哗瘁狙诓缴搭斜但铆lti lvl] [词典] 效用水平; [例句]An utility method of interactive image grey level transformation is introduced in this paper.本文阐述了一种实用的交互式图象灰度变换方法。
