
求大神翻译!!human beings are always to be treated as e

  • 求大神翻译!!human beings are always to be treated as ends and not as means
  • 人们总是为了达到目的不择手段!!!

“Being a layman is not sad”这句话除了做外行并不难过,还有没有其它翻译话?

  • Being a layman is not sad翻译成中文,因为有很多种翻译,把知道的都跟我说一下, 越多越好,谢谢啦!!
  • —— 英文:Being a layman is not sad. 1. 做一个外行并不悲伤。2. 做一个门外汉并不可悲。3. 作为一个外行人并不难过等。


  • sevinghealthforhumanbeings翻译成中文
  • serving health for human beings为了人类的健康服务

there are times when the need to know whats being said right now is great怎么翻译 不要百度

  • there are times when the need to know whats being said right now is great怎么翻译 不要百度
  • there are times when the need to know whats being said right now is great花迹羔克薏久割勋公魔有些时候需要知道的说,现在是伟大的

you being fine怎么翻译

  • you being fine怎么翻译
  • you being fine 你是好的

far from being impractical 怎么翻译?

  • far from being impractical 怎么翻译?
  • 远非不切实际,也就是现实的,可操作的

Tired of being abused one day 翻译中文

  • Tired of being abused one day 翻译中文求翻译中文急
  • Tired of being abused one day有一天厌倦了羞辱

Thank you For what For being in my life中文翻译

  • "Thank you.""For what?""For being in my life." 中文翻译
  • 我的人生中感谢有你

men who do things without being told draw the most wages 这句话翻译成中文怎么说

  • men who do things without being told draw the most wages 这句话翻译成中文怎么说
  • 那些主动做事的人薪酬最高那些无需吩咐主动办事的人薪酬最多

英语翻译,句中的for the time being什么意思?

  • 英语翻译,句中的for the time being什么长笭拜蝗之豪瓣通抱坤意思?A good book may absorb our attention so completely that for the time being we forget our surroundings.
  • 现在正在

